Aranya Documentation An overview of the Aranya project

Skip List

Max Cut

The maximum cut of a command is the maximum number of steps it takes to get from a command to the root. The init command is the root and has a max cut of 0. The max cut of a command is one more than the maximum max cut of the parent commands.

Here are the max cuts for the Init command, a command with a single parent, and a merge command with two parents.

Init: 0
Single(p): max_cut(p) + 1
Merge(l, r): max(max_cut(l), max_cut(r)) + 1

Skip List

A skip list allows O(m log n) average complexity for finding commands. Where m is the average number of branches at a given max cut and n is the number of segments in the graph. Typically m should be less than 2.

Each segment will have skips to segments further towards the root of the graph. A skip is a reference to a segment. When a segment is created we will randomly generate three different max cuts that are less than the new segment’s max cut. The segment will then have skips to segments with matching max cuts. This will usually result in three skips, but it can be less if two different max cuts reference the same segment.

A skip can’t jump into a branch. If this was allowed we’d have to backtrack to find missed branches. A skip can jump back to the last merge command and it can jump over the branches to a common ancestor. In the following graph segment Segment(I, J) could jump to Segment(A, B, C), but it could not jump to Segment(D, E, F), or Segment(G, H). Segment(D, E, F) could jump to Segment(A, B, C).

Each merge command will have a skip to the last common ancestor. So Segment(I, J) will have a skip to Segment(A, B, C).


                   D(3) - E(4) - F(5)
                  /                  \
A(0) - B(1) - C(2)                    I(6) - J(7)
                  \                  /
                       G(3) - H(4)
struct Segment {
    low_max_cut: usize,
    high_max_cut: usize,
    items: Vec<Command>
    skip_elements: Vec<Segment>

Segment {
    max_cut: 6,
    items: [I, J]
    skip_segments: [
        Segment {
            max_cut: 0,
            items: [A, B, C],
            skip_segments: [],

Search algorithm

Search will start at the head of the graph. If the max cut of the command is within the head segment that segment will be checked. If the command is found it will be returned. If the command is not found, the skip segment with lowest low_max_cut that is

= to the command’s max cut will be checked. If there is no skip segment to check the segments parent will be checked. If a merge command is reached both parent segments will be added to the list of heads. The algorithm will then be repeated with all of the added heads.

This will result in quickly skipping deeply into the graph. When the search gets close and can no longer skip it’ll fall back to checking segments and if a segment is reached whose low_max_cut is less than the commands max cut, then the search will back up and continue from a previous head.

fn locate(id: Id, max_cut: usize) -> Some(Command) {
    heads = [head.segment];
    'outer: while let Some(head) = heads.pop() {
        if head.high_max_cut < max_cut {
            // we are too far back
        if head.low_max_cut <= max_cut {
            let command = head[max_cut - head.low_max_cut];
            if == id {
                return Some(command);
        // Assumes this is in ascending order
        // Find the lowest skip that is not "below" the max_cut
        for segment in head.skip_segments {
            if segment.high_max_cut >= max_cut {
                continue 'outer;