Aranya Documentation An overview of the Aranya project

What is Aranya?

Aranya is an access governance and secure data exchange platform for organizations to control their critical data and services. Access governance is a mechanism to define, enforce, and maintain the set of rules and procedures to secure your system’s behaviors. Data governance is a more narrowed approach for applying the same mechanism to specifically address access permissions of all data in the system.

What can Aranya do?

Aranya is useful anywhere you have data that needs to be reconciled, sent securely, or restricted. Possible uses could be sending data between IoT devices, files or messages between users, encryption keys between computer systems or information between embedded devices. Anywhere you have a need for permission management, such as Identity and Access Management (IdAM). Aranya gives you the ability to apply access controls over stored or shared resources all in one place.

  • Aranya Overview: The Aranya Overview discussed Aranya at a high level. This would be a great place to start.

  • Aranya Beta: Aranya Beta is the product specification of the standalone Aranya daemon.

  • Aranya Fast Channels: Aranya Fast Channels is a way for application data to be sent over the network to other peers using cryptography to ensure security.

  • Aranya Fast Channels Cryptography: Discusses the design of the cryptography used in Aranya Fast Channels.

  • Aranya Sessions: Aranya Sessions allow off graph data to be evaluated by the policy.

  • Policy Language v1: The v1 spec for the policy language discusses the initial release of our policy language.

  • Policy Language v2: The v2 spec outlines changes made to the v1 spec.

  • Sync: Sync discusses our approach to syncing commands across graphs.

  • Open Sync Requests: Open Sync Requests discusses our pushed based approach to syncing.

  • Aranya Model: The Aranya Model is a simple tool for simulating or testing the Aranya runtime under different scenarios.

  • Aranya Walkthrough: Discusses the internals used to setup Aranya and walks through the initial steps of an example usage.