Aranya Documentation An overview of the Aranya project

Aranya Client C API

The Aranya Client provides a C API to allow an application to interact with it.

The API includes methods for the following types of operations:

  • Create a new Aranya team with unique cryptographic identities
  • Add/remove devices on a team
  • Assign roles to devices based on a policy
  • Configure peers to sync with so the Aranya DAG stays up-to-date
  • Create encrypted AFC channels
  • Send encrypted data via AFC channels

Doxygen Docs

The Aranya C API docs are generated with Doxygen and hosted on GitHub pages:

The docs are uploaded to each Aranya release and can be generated locally by running cargo make build-capi-docs in a local clone of the aranya repo.

Example Application

There is an example application which includes the header file and builds the library into the application with cmake. A CMakeLists.txt is provided to make it easier to build the library into an application.

Pre-built versions of the library are uploaded (along with the header file) to each Aranya release.

After running the example, the locally built library can be found in the target/release folder of the locally cloned aranya repo.